Hepatitis C is surrounded by a lot of myths that can lead to confusion and unnecessary worry. Whether it’s how the virus spreads or who’s at risk, getting the facts straight is important. In this blog, we’ll clear up some of the biggest misconceptions about hepatitis C, so you can feel more informed and at ease. Let’s set the record straight together.

MYTH: Hepatitis C is only transmitted through sexual contact.

FACT: While it’s rare that hepatitis C is transmitted through sex, it is possible. However, hepatitis C is transmitted primarily through blood-to-blood contact, most commonly through needle sharing. It can also be transmitted through tattooing and piercing if the instruments aren’t clean. 

MYTH: You can only get hepatitis C once.

FACT: Certain viruses, such as chickenpox or measles, typically only infect you once; after exposure, you're usually immune to them. However, the hepatitis C virus doesn't work this way—you can be infected multiple times.

MYTH: Hepatitis C goes away on its own.

FACT: It doesn’t. While a lot of people don’t experience symptoms when they are infected with hepatitis C, it is still a serious infection that needs to be taken care of and cured as soon as possible. Keep scrolling to the end of this article to learn more about how to get tested and cured.

MYTH: You can get hepatitis from toilet seats.

FACT: Hepatitis C is transmitted only through blood-to-blood contact, while hepatitis B spreads through blood and sexual fluids. Neither can be contracted by using a shared toilet.

Hepatitis A is spread via the fecal-oral route, but unless you plan on licking the toilet seat or neglect to wash your hands after using the bathroom and before handling food, it's highly unlikely you'll contract hepatitis A from a toilet seat.

MYTH: There is a vaccine for hepatitis C.

FACT:  While hepatitis A and B both have vaccinations (which you can get at any of our 6 clinic locations), hepatitis C does not have a vaccine available. However, there is a cure for it, and we have it ready for you.

Our 3-step process makes accessing treatment straightforward: 

  1. Complete a Form: Fill out our form (it takes no more than 10 minutes!) or call us.
  2. Schedule Testing: Visit a lab or have a phlebotomist come to you for a blood draw. 
  3. Telemedicine Appointment: Discuss your results and treatment plan with a doctor, and receive your medication at home. After completing the medication, we’ll conduct a final test to ensure the infection is gone. 

You deserve to be hep C free.

If you’re looking for hep C treatment, HepCMyWay makes it easy to get the treatment you need as the leading provider of online hep C care. Start your journey to being hep C-free today!